
Real life is not all smiles and laughter. We have those days when tears and sadness fill our house. These tears are usually fleeting, and pass quickly. This day was no exception. You were feeling tired from a late night. A broom fell on the floor, and then your sister knocked it. The broom hit your foot, and you burst into tears. We all stood looking at you, as the force of the knock did not seem to match the amount of pain it caused. You saw our looks of bewilderment, and you stormed out the room. I let you go. I knew you needed some quiet time, and time to yourself. You sat on the stairs staring out the front door, with tears in your eyes. I let you calm down, and then approached you. I do not normally take my camera, but it was in my hand when the tears started. As we talked, I captured your anger, your tears, and then your smiles. You realised that your sister did not mean to kick the broom, and the pain subsided quickly. This all happened in 30 seconds. Real life is beautiful mixed bag of emotions, and I cherish every moment.

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